Time for some serious content.
This week we had our first lesson in Music sociology. The approach is to make us, students, more aware of the (a) way to approach and appreciate music. The course content is definetly geared towards adults, but if you get the basics, it can be transferred to train children to listen to music and sounds in a variety of ways...
Thusfar we looked at sound (characteristics of ...), setting (who, when, why, where created or performed, what about) and significance (what is the intention, evocation, how does it make me feel) and how can i relate the feeling to these 3 main aspects.
All this by examining musical examples from different origins.
The theory can be found in this (expensive) book. Definitly worth reading and studying if you want to be able to comprehend music in a more profound way but you don't feel the need to take a master in ethnomusicology :-)

Reading is easy, listening is fun, now of to writing the assignment: applying these 3 aspects to a chosen song.
Tomorrow we're of hiking through the area. 15-20 kilometers. If there's no addition appearing next week, we probably got lost in the Northern wilderness. In that case i'd like to call upon my fellow residents to sort out the fridge and throw everything starting to smell funny...
See Ya !